postulant training workshops

Bloy House has worked over the last year to develop and provide trainings for postulants to ordination.

These types of one-day workshops are not generally found in seminary or diaconal studies programs but are required by The Commission on Ministry for postulant formation.

Bloy House is pleased to be of service to the diocesan Commission on Ministry and our future priests and deacons in this way.

anti-racism for postulants

In accordance with a resolution of the 2000 General Convention that “the lay and ordained leadership of the Episcopal Church, including all ordained persons, professional staff, and those elected or appointed to positions of leadership on committees, commissions, agencies, and boards be required to take anti-racism training and receive certification of such training”; the diocese is requiring every lay minister complete a training in understanding systems of oppression and how they play out in the Episcopal Church and society in general.

The doctrine of discovery

The Doctrine of Discovery established a religious, political, and legal justification for colonization and seizure of land not inhabited by Christians during the age of European exploration.  The devastating effects on Indigenous populations are still felt to this day.  This class will explore the particular role that religion played in the Doctrine of Discovery, how the early Episcopal Church in America participated and/or benefited from the Doctrine, and how the modern church is acknowledging its historical role and working towards reconciliation. Implications of the Doctrine of Discovery for current ministry and practices will also be discussed.